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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4096   View pdf image
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4096                                              EXECUTIVE ORDERS

Director, and any additional information as the
Director may require. Such form shall require,
but not be limited to, the following information:

(1)  The name or names of the person or persons
who are to acquire such control;

(2)  The basis of such control;

(3)  The date and a description of the
transaction or transactions by which such
control will be acquired.

The Director may disapprove a proposed change in
control to protect the safety and soundness of the

As used in this regulation:

(1)  "Person" means an individual or a

corporation, partnership, trust,
association, joint venture, pool,
syndicate, sole proprietorship,
unincorporated organization, or any other
form of entity not specifically listed

(2)  "Stock" means such stock or other equity

securities or equity interests in an
association which is a stock company, or
rights, interests, or powers with respect

.53 Unsafe and Unsound Practices.

Any action taken by an association, its
officers, directors, controlling persons, parents,
subsidiaries or affiliates in violation of any
provision of these regulations may be deemed by
the Division Director and the Board of
Commissioners to be the unsafe or unsound
operation of an association.




WHEREAS, I, Harry Hughes, Governor of the State of Maryland,
having been advised and informed by the Emergency Management


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4096   View pdf image
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