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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3539   View pdf image
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RESOLVED, That staff for the Committee be provided by the
Department of Transportation and the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland, the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg,
President of the Senate of Maryland, and the Honorable Benjamin
L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates.

Signed May 13, 1986.

No. 13

(Senate Joint Resolution No. 23)

A Senate Joint Resolution concerning

Fresh California Grape Boycott

FOR the purpose of encouraging all Marylanders to support the
fresh grape boycott.

WHEREAS, Table grape growers in California continue their
advertising campaign to convince consumers that fresh grapes are
a natural snack; and

WHEREAS, The United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, have
begun their "Wrath of Grape" campaign to tell the American people
the truth about toxic chemicals which are used on grapes , and
about how these pesticides harm farm workers, and about the
pesticide residues which remain on the grapes which the American
people buy; and

WHEREAS, The World Resources Institute reports that over
300,000 farm workers are poisoned each year by chemicals used in
agriculture; and

WHEREAS, Senator Nicholas Petris introduced, in the
California legislature, a modest proposal requiring growers to
post warning signs in fields which have recently been sprayed
with dangerous pesticides; and

WHEREAS, The Petris bill was finally passed by the
California Legislature in September 1985; and

WHEREAS, On October 2, 1985, California agribusiness had
Governor Deukmejian veto the bill; and

WHEREAS, The California Agricultural Labor Relations Board
has ceased to be a vehicle to help farm workers improve their
lives; and


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3539   View pdf image
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