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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3540   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, Since the 1960's, the United Farm Workers of
America have helped thousands of farm workers win protection from
toxic pesticides and many other benefits; and

WHEREAS, The gains won by the United Farm Workers are being
undermined; and

WHEREAS, The United Farm Workers of America, under the
leadership of Cesar Chavez, have called for a new boycott of
nonunion fresh grapes; and now, therefore, be it

supports the boycott of California fresh grapes by the United
Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO; and be it further

RESOLVED, That this body encourages all Marylanders to
support the fresh grape boycott in support of Cesar Chavez and
the United Farm Workers of America; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg,
President of the Senate of Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin L.
Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; the Honorable George
Deukmejian, Governor, the State House, Sacramento, California
95814; and Mr. Cesar Estrada Chavez, President, United Farm
Workers of America, LaPaz, Keene, California 93531-0006.

Signed May 13, 1986.

No. 14

(House Joint Resolution No. 48)

A House Joint Resolution concerning

Fresh California Grape Boycott

FOR the purpose of encouraging all Marylanders to support the
fresh grape boycott.

WHEREAS, Table grape growers in California continue their
advertising campaign to convince consumers that fresh grapes are
a natural snack; and

WHEREAS, The United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, have
begun their "Wrath of Grape" campaign to tell the American people
the truth about toxic chemicals which are used on grapes, about
how these pesticides harm farm workers, and about the pesticide
residues which remain on the grapes which the American people
buy; and


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3540   View pdf image
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