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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3538   View pdf image
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recommendations for the future of the Vehicle Emissions
Inspection Program.

WHEREAS, Several public and private sector groups have

proposed the establishment of a task force to review options and

make recommendations for the future of the Vehicle Emissions
Inspection Program; and

WHEREAS, Key aspects of the Vehicle Emissions Inspection

Program, such as decentralization of the program, and permitting

private sector participation, can now be more clearly evaluated
in the light of acquired experience; and

WHEREAS, The Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program is
currently scheduled to terminate on December 31, 1988, and a
thorough review of the program should be undertaken before the
termination date; and

WHEREAS, A truly thorough review of the Vehicle Emissions
Inspection Program requires the active participation of
interested and knowledgeable representatives of government,
industry, and the general public; now, therefore, be it

Legislative Policy Committee is requested to establish a task
force to study the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program; and be
it further

RESOLVED, That the Task Force to Study the Vehicle Emissions
Inspection Program be composed of:

(1)  3 members of the House of Delegates, appointed by the
Speaker of the House, and 3 members of the Senate of Maryland,
appointed by the President of the Senate; and

(2)  A representative of the Department of Transportation
and a representative of the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, appointed jointly by the Speaker of the House of
Delegates and the President of the Senate of Maryland; and

(3)  A representative from the American Automobile
Association; the Maryland Highway Users Federation; the Service
Station and Automotive Repair Association; and other groups that
the Legislative Policy Committee finds appropriate; and be it

RESOLVED, That the Legislative Policy Committee designate
the Chairman of the task force; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the task force report its findings and
recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor by
January 1, 1987; and be it further


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3538   View pdf image
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