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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3531   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, The Washington Metro rail system, which serves the
nation's capital and the millions of people who live, work, and
visit there, should be a model system; and

WHEREAS, The completed portions of the Metro system have
promoted economic growth, access to employment, reduction of
traffic congestion, and a cleaner, healthier environment; and

WHEREAS, Failure to complete the entire Metro rail system
would assure the continuance of the disparity that exists in the
metropolitan area regarding access to the workplace, preventing
many citizens from sharing in the economic growth and prosperity
that have accompanied the development of Metro rail in other
parts of the region; and

WHEREAS, The citizens of the Washington metropolitan area,
through their local governments, have contributed billions of
dollars for Metro rail construction based on the expectation that
a full 101 103 mile regional system would be completed; and

WHEREAS, The dream of an area-wide mass transit rail system
could never have begun to be realized without the strong and
consistent support of the citizens of the entire region,
including those who have yet to see the benefits of the system
reach their neighborhoods, and who continue to wait at the end of
the line; and

WHEREAS, Completion of the entire 101 103 mile system is now
endangered by the federal government's threat to cut off all
funds for Metro rail construction; and

WHEREAS, Anything less than completion of the entire Metro
rail system would signify a serious breach of the commitment made
by the federal government to create a model transit system to
serve the entire Washington area and the nation; now, therefore,

be it

General Assembly opposes any effort to reduce the federal
government's share of funding for construction of the Metro rail
system; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the General Assembly of Maryland strongly
urges President Reagan, the Congress of the United States, the
Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Secretary
of the Maryland Department of Transportation, and the Washington
Metropolitan Council of Governments, to act vigorously to assure
that the government of the United States provides its full share
of construction funds to complete the entire 101 103 mile Metro
rail system; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Ronald
Reagan, President of the United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, D.C.; the Honorable George Bush, Vice President of


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3531   View pdf image
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