RESOLVED, That the Commission annually report its findings
and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly
until July 1, 1989 when the Commission shall submit its final
report on its findings and recommendations to the Governor and
the General Assembly and terminate its existence; and be it
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to: the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg,
President of the Senate of Maryland; the Honorable Benjamin L.
Cardin, Speaker of the House of Delegates; the Honorable Adele
Wilzack, Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, 201 W. Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201; the
Honorable Louis L. Goldstein, Comptroller of the Treasury,
Goldstein Treasury Building, Annapolis, Maryland 21404; and
Honorable David W. Hornbeck, State Superintendent of Schools, 200
W. Baltimore Street, Maryland 21201; the Honorable ' Rosalie S.
Abrams, Director on Aging, 301 W. Preston Street, Room 1004,
Baltimore, Maryland 21201; the Honorable John E. Kyle, Director
of the Office for Children and Youth, 301 W. Preston Street,
Suite 1502, Baltimore, Maryland 21201; and the Honorable Ruth
Massinga, Secretary of the Department of Human Resources, 1100 N.
Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
Signed April 29, 1986.
No. 3
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 1)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Condominium Documents - Plain Language
FOR the purpose of encouraging the drafting of condominium
documents in a manner that is easily comprehensible by the
general public.
WHEREAS, Condominium ownership offers many advantages to the
average citizen; and
WHEREAS, The purchase of a condominium is usually one of the
most financially significant transactions in the life of an
average citizen; and
WHEREAS, When a person buys a condominium the person becomes
affected by or bound by a number of documents including the
contract of sale, the condominium declaration, the condominium
bylaws, and condominium rules and regulations; and