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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3521   View pdf image
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WHEREAS, It is prudent for prospective condominium buyers to
understand the documents that will bind or affect them; and

WHEREAS, Condominium documents drafted in language easily
understood by the general public would facilitate condominium
administration by the board of directors of a condominium, whose
members usually are unskilled in the law, and would facilitate
understanding by owners and prospective buyers of condominiums;

WHEREAS, Condominium documents often are drafted in a manner
that is not readily understandable by the average owner or
prospective buyer of a condominium; now, therefore, be it

draft condominium documents are encouraged to draft them in a
manner that is easily comprehensible by the general public; and
be it further

RESOLVED, That those who draft condominium documents are
encouraged to divide and caption the condominium documents to
facilitate reading and reference, and to write in a clear,
concise, and coherent manner, using sentences and paragraphs of
moderate length, and, where possible, using words of commonly
understood meanings; and be it further

RESOLVED, That those who draft condominium documents are
encouraged to include in the documents definitions of words that
are not commonly understood, if it is necessary to use the words
and if the definition is not so lengthy or complex that it would
unduly burden the text and frustrate the purpose of this
Resolution; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the President, Maryland State Bar
Association, 207 E. Redwood St., Suite 905, Baltimore, MD
21202-9956; and the President, Maryland Home Builders
Association, 920 Providence Rd., Towson, MD 21204.

Signed May 13, 1986.


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3521   View pdf image
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