HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2099
the same seals, or either of them, to change, break, alter, and
renew, at their pleasure.
V. The said Visitors and Governors, and their successors,
from time to time, shall have power and authority to constitute
and appoint, in such manner as they shall think best and most
convenient, a president, such administrative officers as may be
deemed necessary, professors and other officer officers of
instruction, for instructing the students and scholars of the
said seminary in all the liberal arts and sciences; and the said
president and professors so constituted and appointed from time
to time shall be known and distinguished forever by the name of
the president and faculty of Washington College, and by that name
shall be capable of exercising such powers and authorities as the
Visitors and Governors of said college, and their successors,
shall by their ordinances think necessary to delegate to them,
for the instruction, discipline and government of the said
seminary and of all the students and scholars belonging to the
VI. The said Visitors and Governors, and their successors,
shall meet at least four times a year, in stated quarterly
meetings, between July 1 of each year and June 30 of the next
year, to be known as the college year College Year, the last
meeting of which shall be the annual meeting Annual Meeting.
Meeting dates shall be appointed by their own ordinances, and at
such times as their said ordinances may direct, in order to that
they may hear and determine upon all matters touching the
discipline of the seminary and the good and wholesome execution
of their ordinances; in which meetings and determinations such
number of said Visitors and Governors duly met, provided there is
a quorum present a quorum consisting of a majority of the current
board members.
VII. The said Visitors and Governors may appoint an
executive committee, consisting of not less than nine (9)
members, who shall, between the meetings of the Board, possess
and exercise all of the power of the Board except as limited by
the general corporation laws of this State.
VIII. For animating and encouraging students of said
college to a laudable diligence, industry and progress, in useful
literature and science, the Visitors and Governors, and their
successors, shall by a written mandate under their privy seal,
and the hand of some one of the Visitors and Governors to be
chosen annually as their chairman according to the ordinance to
be made for that purpose, have full power and authority to direct
the president and the officers of instruction to hold public
commencements, either on stated annual days, or occasionally, as
future ordinances of the said seminary may direct; and at such
commencements to admit any of the students of the said college,
or any other persons meriting the same, (whose names shall be
severally inserted in the said mandate) to any degree or degrees
in any of the faculties, arts and sciences, and liberal
professions, to which persons are usually admitted in other