colleges or universities in America or Europe; and it is hereby
enacted, that the president, or in the case of his death or
absence the next ranking academic officer of the college, shall
make out and sign with his name, diplomas or certificates of the
admission to such degree or degrees, which shall be sealed with
the public or greater seal of the said corporation or college,
and delivered to the graduates as honorable and perpetual
testimonials of such admission; which diplomas, if thought
necessary, for doing greater honor to such graduates, shall also
be signed with the names of the different professors and members
of the Board of Visitors and Governors, or as many of them as can
conveniently sign them,
IX. No Student or Students within the said College shall
ever be admitted to any such degree until such student or
students have duly fulfilled all the requirements for such degree
or degrees, as established by the faculty of the college with the
approval of the Visitors and Governors.
X. The ordinances which shall be from time to time made by
the Visitors and Governors of the said College, and their
successors, with an account of their other proceedings, and of
the management of the estate and monies committed to their trust,
shall, when required be laid before the General Assembly of
Maryland, for inspection and examination, but in case at any time
hereafter, through oversight, or otherwise through
misapprehensions and mistakes, constructions of the powers,
liberties, franchises, in this charter or act of incorporation
granted or intended to be granted, any ordinance should be made
by the said Visitors and Governors of said corporation, or
matters done and transacted by the corporation, contrary to the
tenor hereof, it is enacted, that although all such ordinances,
acts and doings, shall be null and void, yet they shall not
however, in any courts, of law, court or by the General Assembly,
be deemed, taken, interpreted or adjudged into an avoidance or
forfeiture of this charter and act of incorporation, but the same
shall be and remain unhurt, inviolate and entire, unto the said
corporation in perpetual succession; and all its acts conformable
to the powers, true intent and meaning hereof shall be and remain
in full force and validity, the nullity and avoidance of such
illegal acts to the contrary notwithstanding.
XI. The said Visitors and Governors, and their successors,
shall have all the general powers granted to corporations under
the Public General Laws of the State of Maryland, and this
charter and act of incorporation and all ordinances adopted by
the Visitors and Governors, and every part thereof, shall be good
and available in all things in the law, according to the true
intent and meaning thereof, and shall be construed, reputed and
adjudged, in all cases, most favorably on the behalf and for the
best benefit behoof of said Visitors and Governors, and their
successors, so as most effectually to answer the valuable ends of
this act of incorporation, towards the general advancement and
promotion of useful knowledge, science and virtue.