(e) Any graduate of the Collegiate or Normal
Department of Washington College and any student who left the
college in good standing after having completed sufficient work
to entitle him or her to a sophomore or senior normal rating
shall be qualified to participate in the election all elections
conducted by the Alumni Association of Washington College or and
to serve as alumni-elected members of the Visitors and Governors
of said College; provided that no ex-student shall be entitled to
participate in said election until after the class to which he or
she belongs shall have been graduated.
III. The said Visitors and Governors, and their successors,
shall be able and capable in law to purchase, have and enjoy, to
them and their successors, in fee, or for any other lesser estate
or estates, any lands, tenements, rents, annuities, pensions, or
other hereditaments, within this state, by gift, grant, bargain,
sale, alienation, enfeoffment, release, confirmation or devise,
of any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to
make the same; and such lands, tenements, rents, annuities,
pensions or other hereditaments, or any lesser estates, rights or
interests, of or in the same, including the estate of the said
Kent County School, at their pleasure to grant, alien, sell or
transfer, in such manner and form as they shall think meet and
convenient for the furtherance of said College; and also that
they may take and receive any sum or sums of money, and any kind,
manner or portion, of goods and chattels, that shall be given,
sold or bequethed bequeathed, to them by any person or persons,
bodies politic or corporate, capable to make a gift, sale or
bequest thereof, and employ the same towards erecting, setting up
and maintaining, the said college, in such manner as they shall
judge most necessary and convenient for the instruction,
improvement and education of youth, in the vernacular and learned
languages, and generally in any kind of literature, arts, and
sciences, which they think proper to be taught, for training of
good, useful and accomplished men and women, for the service of
their country in church and state, and youth of all religious
denominations and persuasions shall be freely and liberally
admitted to equal privileges and advantages of education, and to
all the literary honors of the college, according to their merit,
and the standing rules of the seminary, without requiring or
enforcing any religious or civil test whatsoever upon any
student, scholar or member of the said college, in schools and
seminaries of learning in general; nor shall any preference be
given in the choice of any visitor and governor of the said
college or of the president, administrative officers, professors
or officers of instruction, on account of his religious
persuasions, but merely on account of his literary and other
qualifications to fill the place for which he is chosen.
IV. The said Visitors and Governors, and their successors,
shall have full power and authority to have, make and use, one
common and public seal, and likewise one privy seal, with devices
and inscriptions as they shall think proper; and to ascertain,
fix and regulate the use of both seals, by their own laws, and