HARRY HUGHES, Governor 2097
MARYLAND, That the Charter of Washington College and all
amendments thereto as, the same were enacted by Chapter 8 of the
Acts of the April 1 Session of 1782, Chapter 121 of the Acts of
1922, Chapter 44 of the Acts of 1953, and Chapter 401 of the Acts
of 1959, be and it is hereby repealed, and that a new Charter, to
stand in the place and stead of the Charter so repealed be and it
is hereby enacted, to read as follows:
I. The present Visitors and Governors of Washington College
in the State of Maryland, and their successors, shall have full
power and authority to continue to operate, enlarge and improve
the said College under the corporate name of WASHINGTON COLLEGE
"Washington College".
II. (a) The governing body or board of said College shall
consist of not more than 37 Visitors and Governors 12 of whom
shall be elected by the Alumni of the College; 12 of whom shall
be appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland; 12 (or any
lesser number) of whom shall be elected by the Board of Visitors
and Governors, and these 36 (or any lesser number, if the Board,
in the exercise of its discretion, shall elect less than 12), or
a quorum thereof, shall elect a President of the College, who
shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the Visitors and
(b) Of the twelve (12) members appointed by the
Governor; and the number twelve (12) members elected by the
Alumni; and the twelve (12) or any lesser number, elected by the
Visitors and Governors all shall be chosen without regard to
their place of residence.
(c) The terms of office of the members of the
Visitors and Governors shall be six (6) years, and not more than
two (2) members shall be elected or reelected by either the
Alumni or Board of Visitors and Governors for full terms in any
college year, nor shall more than two (2) members be appointed by
the Governor for full terms in any college year.
(d) Within thirty days after the occurrence of a
vacancy of said members of Visitors and Governors, by death,
resignation, removal, disqualification or expiration of the term
of office of a member, a notice thereof shall be sent by said
Visitors and Governors to the Governor or the Alumni Association,
depending upon whether said vacancy is to be filled by
appointment of the Governor or the election of the Alumni, and
should the Governor or the Alumni fail to appoint or elect, as
the case may be, a successor to fill said vacancy within six
months after receipt of said notice, then the Visitors and
Governors shall proceed to fill said vacancy for the unexpired
term; and vacancies among the members elected by the Board shall
be filled for the unexpired term by election of the Board in the
same manner as is provided for their original election.