(House Bill 1732)
AN ACT concerning
Washington College - Charter
FOR the purpose of altering certain provisions of the Charter of
Washington College relating to meetings of the Board of
Visitors and Governors; redefining what constitutes a
quorum; specifying that members of the Board may sign
diplomas; making certain stylistic and technical changes;
and generally relating to the Charter of Washington College.
WHEREAS, Institutions for the liberal education of youth in
the principles of virtue, knowledge and useful literature, are of
the highest benefit to society, in order to raise up and
perpetuate a succession of honest men and women, for discharging
the various offices and duties of the community, both civil and
religious, with usefulness and reputation, and such institutions
of learning have accordingly merited and received the attention
and encouragement of the wisest and best regulated states; and
WHEREAS, The Visitors and Kent County School in the town of
Chester represented to the General Assembly of the year 1782,
that if they were made capable in law of erecting the said school
into a college of general seminary of learning for the eastern
shore, or peninsula between the bays of Chesapeake and Delaware
(maintaining the original design of said school as a foundation
not to be violated), very considerable sums of money could be
raised in a few years, within the said peninsula, by free and
voluntary contributions, for the establishment and support of
such seminary, and prayed that a law be passed to enable them,
the said Visitors, to enlarge and improve said school into a
college, or place of universal learning; and
WHEREAS, It was then enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, that the Visitors of Kent County School, and their
successors, should have full power and authority to erect the
said school into a college or seminary of universal learning, to
IN THE STATE OF MARYLAND "The Visitors and Governors of
Washington College in the State of Maryland", in honorable and
perpetual memory of His Excellency, General Washington, the
illustrious and virtuous Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the
United States; and
WHEREAS, The present Visitors and Governors of said College
deem it desirable to eliminate from said original Charter, as
heretofore amended, certain obsolete and unnecessary nomenclature
and provisions therein contained, and to make certain other
amendments thereto, consistent with present requirements and
conditions, while retaining so much of the original Charter as is
practical; now, therefore,