Volume 767, Page 166 View pdf image |
March Court 1716 166 Six pence Curr.t money afd residue of the afd Sume of three pound Sixteen Shills. Currant money afd little regarding but altogether minding and frau= : dulently intending him ye Said James in this part Craftilly and Subtilly to deceive and defraud ye afd Sum of Two pounds nineteen Shillings & Six pence Currt~. money afd residue ye afd Sum of Two pounds nineteen Shillings & Six pence Currt. money afd residue as afd to ye Said James (hath not paid) altho’. to do ye Same he the Said Philip was required by ye Said James at Chester new Town afd in- Kent County afd and within ye Jurisdiciõn afd to wit the tenth day of Novembr. Anno Dom One thousand Seven hundred and fifteen and divers other days & times as well before as Since (but the Same to pay) hath refused & Still doth refuse to ye damage of the Said James Crook Six pounds Currt money of Maryland and thereupon he brings this Suite &ca Earle pr Querr pls. &ca. John Doe Rd Roe~ Att which Said Court viz the Twentieth day of Novembr afd - Came the afd Plt by his attry afd and prayd he might to his Decln afd Answer and This Same Court gave rule to the afd Deft~ to file his plea to ye afd Accõn in twenty one days after the Said . Court adjourned and thereupon the Same Accõn was Continued untill the then next Court in Course Att which Said next Court viz this Twenty Second day of~ March the Same year last mentioned Came the afd Plt by his attry afd And the afd Deft having put in no plea to ye Accõn afd nor hath made an answr. thereto whereby the Said Plt may remain against the Said Deft undefended Therefore it is Considered by the Court here viz the Same day last menti: : oned That the afd Plt James Crook Recover against the Said Deft Philip Eilbeck as well the afd Sume of Two pounds. nineteen Shillings and Six pence Currt. money of the province afd Damages as also the Sume of Three hundred and five pounds of Tobacco Cost by the Said Plt about his Suite in this behalfe expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged And that the Said Deft be taken into - Custody &ca Jams Smith Clk Court adjourns to morrow morning Eight Clock Againe |
Volume 767, Page 166 View pdf image |
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