Volume 767, Page 164 View pdf image |
March Court 1716 164 Sums of money in the whole amounting to three pounds fifteen Shillings & two pence to the Said Plt altho’ afterwards required vizt. the third day of~ Aprill and often after Anno Domini Seventeen hundred & fourteen he the Said Deft was at the Parish afd in the County afd within ye afd Jurisdiciõn thereto required hath not paid nor made Content for the Same but that to . pay or Content ye Said Deft. hitherto hath denied and Yet doth deny to ye. damage of the Said Plt. Seven pounds Currant money of Maryland and thereupon he brings Suite &ca. TBowne pr Querr pls And now at this Court viz ye nineteenth day of March Anno Domini Seventeen hundred and Sixteen Rule is given to the Said Deft to plead to the afd Accon and that his plea be putt in by ye Twenty Second day of March last mentioned otherwise Judgment to be rendered for want of the Same and now at this Court viz the day last mentioned the Said Deft having put in no plea to ye Accõn afd neither made any answer thereto : Therefore it is Considered by the Court here viz.t the Same day last mentioned That the afd Plt. Matthias Van Bebber do recover against the Said Deft Daniel Dunnahoe as well the Sume of Three pounds fifteen Shillings & two pence Currant money Damages on Account of the Said Deft his not performing his promises and assumptions afd and also the Sume of Two hundred fifty Six pounds of Tobacco Cost By the afd Plt about his Suite in this behalfe laid out and Expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged And the Said Deft~ to be taken into Custody Jams Smith Clk
before his Said LdShips Justices of the next Court to be held at our Court house in the Town of Chester in Said County to answer unto James Crook of a plea of - Trespass on ye Case and that he have then and there the Said writ &ca. Att which Said next Court vizt. the twenty first day of August the Same year last mentioned the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby . Gent high Sherf of Said County and made return thereof in these words . thereon endorsed as folls vizt. Cepi Corpus pr Will. Frisby Sherf Att which Said Court the Same day last mentioned Came the afd Deft and the Said Plt by James Earle his attry and prayd that the Said Deft might give Specl. baile to the afd Accõn which was granted and that he be kept in Safe Custody by William Frisby Gent high Sherf of Said County untill |
Volume 767, Page 164 View pdf image |
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