Volume 767, Page 163 View pdf image |
163 March Court 1716 Att which Said next Court viz the twenty first day of August the Same year last mentioned the day of return of Said writ Came William Frisby Gent high Sherf of Said County and made return thereof in these words thereon endorsed as folls viz Cepi Corpus pr Wm Ffrisby Sherf. Att which Said Court vizt. the twenty first day of August the Same year afd Came the afd Deft in his proper person and appeared to the abovesd Accõn- and prayd liberty thereof to imparle thereto and to answer at next Court which was granted the Same day was given ye Plt~ also Att which Said next Court vizt the twentieth day of Novemb.r ye year afd the Same cause was Continued untill next Court Att which Said next Court vizt. the nineteenth day of March ye year afd. Came the afd Plt by Thomas Bowne his attry and declares as folls vizt~ Kent County Maryland Ss Daniel Donahoe of Kent County Planter Stands attaiched to Answer unto Matthias Vanbebber of a plea of Trespass on ye. Case . And whereupon ye Said Plt by Thomas Bowne his attry Complains for that whereas ye afd Deft. ye Seventh day of February Anno Domini Seventeen hundred and eleaven at St Pauls Parish in Kent County in ye Jurisdiciõn of this Court had Accounted with ye afd Plt of divers Sums of money to ye Said Plt by the Said Deft before that time owing & unpaid and upon that accounting the Same Deft was found in arrearage toward the Same Plt. in the Sume of three pounds two Shillings and eight pence Currant~ money of Maryland and so in arrears being found the Said Deft In Conside: :ration thereof afterwards vizt the Same day and year afd at the parish afd in the County and Jurisdicion afd upon himself assumed and to the Said Plt. then and there faithfully promised that he the Said Deft the afd three pounds two Shillings & eight pence to the Said Plt when thereunto afterwards required would well & truly pay & Content and that whereas also the afd Deft afterwards viz.t ye day of Anno Domini Seventeen hundred & at ye Parish afd in ye County afd in the afd Jurisdiciõn In Consideracõn that the Said Plt. at ye Special Instance and request of ye afd Deft had Sold and - delivered to ye Said Deft to ye use and Profitt of ye Said Deft the goods and Merchandises in an Account thereof ready to be produced in Court Set forth . upon himselfe assumed and to the Said Plt then and there last mentioned faithfully Promised that he ye Said Deft So much Currant money of Maryland as ye afd Goods & Merchandises Sold & delivered as afd at the time of the Sale and delivery thereof at reasonable rates & values were worth and amounted to unto the Said Plt in deed Saith that the afd goods & Merchandises Sold and delivered as afd at the time of the Sale & delivery thereof at reasonable rates & values were worth and amounted to the Sum of twelve Shillings and - Six pence Currant money of Maryland in Manner as in the Said Account Set forth of which the Said Deft then and there last mentioned had notice Nevertheless ye afd Deft~ his Severall promises and assumptions afd in forme afd made little regarding but fraudulently intending ye Said plt. in that behalf ye afd Severall - Sums. |
Volume 767, Page 163 View pdf image |
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