Volume 767, Page 162 View pdf image |
March Court 1716 162 Suite &ca. Johnson pr Plt p,sr Deft~ pls &ca Jno Doe Rd Roe And the Said Plt by his attry afd prayd that the Said Deft might to his declaration as afd answer . and at the Said Court viz the nineteenth day of Novembr. Anno Domi one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen the Said Philip had not fild any plea to the afd accõn on which the Said Court gives him rule to file his plea to the Said Accõn within twenty one days after this Court adjourns otherwise Judgment to be Rendered - for want of the Same and thereupon the Same Cause [was] Continued untill the next Court in Course Att which Said next Court vizt. this twenty Second day of March the Same year last mentioned Came the Said Plt by his attry afd and alleadged to this Court that the afd Deft had made no answer to his declaration afd according to the rule afd given : Therefore it is Considered by the Court here viz the Same day last mentioned that is to Say this Twenty Second day of March Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixteen That the afd Plt Jonas Sandeland Recover against the Said Deft Philip Eilbeck as well the afd Sumes of Eight pounds Currant money and three pounds nine Shillings and Six pounds tenn Shillings and also five pounds fifteen Shillings and Eleaven pence which in the whole amounts to the Sume of Twenty three pounds - fourteen Shillings and Eleaven pence Currant money of America Damages on Account of the Said Deft his not performing his promises and assumptions afd as also the Sume of five hundred thirty Eight pounds of Tobacco Cost by the Said Plt about his Suite in this behalfe Expended and by the Court here of his assent adjudged And the Said Deft be taken in to Custody &ca Jams Smith Clk~
our next County Court to be held at our Court house in the Town of Chester in Said County to Answer unto Matthias Van Bebber of a plea of Trespass on ye Case. And that he have then and there the Said writ &ca. Att |
Volume 767, Page 162 View pdf image |
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