Volume 766, Page 38 View pdf image |
November Court 1714 38 time the Said Patrick absented his Service. The Said William Jones Comes into Court and takes his Corporall Oath on the holy Evangilist of Almighty God and Saith that his afd Servant man Called Patrick Manderson absented his Service without his Leave one hundred & Sixty Seven Days and prays Judgment for the Same: Therefore it is Considered by . the Court here viz this fourth day of November Annoque Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen That the afd Patrick Manderson at the Expiration of his Service Serve his afd Master William Jones the Quantitity of Sixteen hundred & Seventy days for the time he absented his Said Masters Service Jams Smith Clk . William Jones afd Comes into Court and Saith that he was out Considerable in~ takeing up & Secureing the Said Patrick Manderson when he runs away prays he - may be Admitted to prove the Same and be allowed for it. and the Said William Jones Comes into Court and takes his Corporall Oath on the Holy Evangilist of Almighty God and Saith that he paid the Sume of Eight hundred pounds of Tobacco for the . takeing up the Said Patrick Manderson and Secureing him when he was taken up - - - Therefore it is Considered by The Court here viz.t this fourth day of November Annoque Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and fourteen That the afd Patrick Manderson at the Expiration of his Serve above mentioned Serve his afd Master William Jones the Space of Six Months for the afd Tobacco. &ca Jams Smith Clk . The Grand Jury againe returns to ye barr and being Called over do all appeare at the barr And being Asked if they had agreed on any more prsentments do Say they had and Delivers one to the Cou^rt against a Certain Mary Freebourn of Easter neck hundred for Committing fornication &ca and being asked if forme not touching Substance in~ the Same might be altered. to which the Said Grand Jury Consents . . and afterward[s] ye. afd presentm.t ^was by John Johnson Clarke of the Indictments of this Court framed into a bill of Indictment and Endorsed Billa vera Saml Wallis foreman Grand Jury Discharged And ord.rd that the Clarke of this Court make an note to William Glanvill to Creditt the Grand Jury with the Sume of - five hundred pounds of Tobacco and to be allowed the Same in ye Leavey &ca. Proclamation ap.ce Docket is Goeing to be Called over as foll viz
Volume 766, Page 38 View pdf image |
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