Volume 766, Page 162 View pdf image |
March Court 1715 162 in the abovesd County on or before the tenth day of 9.ber then next following the date of the afd Bill and the Same Nathaniel in deed Saith that ye afd George hath not rendered nor paid to him the Said Nathaniel ye afd Nine : :teen Shillings & Six pence Sterling money & y.e afd five hundred & Twenty three pounds of Tobacco on or before the tenth day of 9.ber afd which to him on or before ye Same tenth day he ought to have rendered & paid according to the forme & Effect of the afd Bill by which accon~ hath accrued to the Said Nathaniel to Exact & have of the afd George ye afd one pound Nineteen Shillings Sterling money & the afd one Thousand & forty Six pounds of Tobacco Yet the afd George altho’- often required the Said one pound nineteen Shillings Sterling money & the afd one Thousand & forty Six pounds of Tobacco to the Same Nathaniel hath not rendered or paid but the Same to render or pay the Sd George hath hitherto denied & Yet deneys & ye afd one Thousand & forty Six pounds of Tobacco unjustly detains to the Damage of the afd Nathanl tenn pounds Sterlg money & thereupon he brings Suite &ca. T Bowne pr . querr Plegs. &ca. John Doe & Richard Roe And the afd Deft~. in proper person appeared to the above accõn and prayd liberty thereof to imparle thereto and to Answer at~. next Court which is granted the Same day was given the Plt. also Att which Said next Court viz the fifteenth day of Novembr. Ano Dmi one Thousand Seven hundred and fifteen The Same Cause was Continued untill next Court . . Att which Said next Court viz this twenty fourth day of March the - Same year last mentioned Came the afd Plt by his attry afd & prayd that the Deft~. afd to his decln afd might answer And there being no plea fild in the afd Cause rule is given to the Deft afd to file his plea in four hours. after which the afd Plt by his attry. afd Comes and Saith that the Deft afd hath fild no plea to the . accon afd nor hath made no Answer thereto whereby the Said Deft~. may remain agst. the Said Deft Still without defence . Therefore |
Volume 766, Page 162 View pdf image |
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