Jail building (Detention Center) and by the Board of Education of
Wicomico County for the construction of new buildings, additions
to, and improvements of existing school buildings and facilities,
and acquisition of equipment therefor, said expenses are to
include, but not be limited to, architectural and engineering
fees and other expenses in conjunction with said programs;
prescribing the procedure for the issuance of said bonds and the
terms thereof; authorizing annual appropriations to pay the
principal of and interest on said bonds and the levying of taxes
to meet said appropriations; and providing that the provisions of
this Act shall be separable.
WHEREAS, the five-year Capital Improvement Budget for
Wicomico County, Maryland, adopted by the County Council of
Wicomico County, Maryland, in Executive Session, under date of
January 11, 1983, provides for a construction and general
improvement program during the fiscal year beginning July 1,
1983; in the amount of Nineteen Million, Six Hundred and
Eighty-nine Thousand, Eight Hundred and Forty-two Dollars
($19,689,842.00), said budget showing that it is proposed to
finance said programs with State Aid in the amount of Seven
Million, One Hundred and Ninety Thousand, Six Hundred and
Forty-two Dollars ($7,190,642.00) and funds provided by the
County through the issuance of its bonds in the amount of Twelve
Million, Four Hundred Ninety-nine Thousand, Two Hundred Dollars
($12,499,200.00); and
WHEREAS, the County Council of Wicomico County, Maryland
deems that said school improvement program and said public
improvements are necessary to the welfare of Wicomico County,
Maryland, and that the financial resources of the County are
ample and within the limitations as prescribed by the Charter of
Wicomico County, Maryland, to permit the borrowing of the sum
required therefor; now therefore;
Adopted February 12, 1983.
Bill 2
AN ACT to amend Chapter 203 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "Taxation" by repealing and reenacting with amendments,
Section 203-1, titled "Tax Imposed" under Article I, titled "Tax
on Recorded Instruments", to increase the tax imposed on
instruments conveying title to property and securing debts,
recorded with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County,
and to amend Section 203-2 of said Chapter to provide for the
effective date thereof.
WHEREAS, the County Council of Wicomico County hereby finds
an emergency measure amending the Taxation Chapter of the
Wicomico County Code, to provide for an increase in the
recordation tax affecting the recordation of instruments
conveying title and securing debt is required in order to