alleviate a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Wicomico County;
Adopted June 13, 1983.
Bill 3
AN ACT to amend Chapter 169, titled "Mobile Homes", of the
Wicomico County Code, by repealing and reenacting with
amendments, Section 169-6, titled "Issuance of License; fee.", to
increase the license fee for operation of mobile home parks, and
to amend Section 169-16, titled "Reporting an accounting tax.",
and to provide for assessment and collection of such tax.
WHEREAS, the County Council of Wicomico County hereby finds
an emergency measure amending the Mobile Home Chapter of the
Wicomico County Code, to provide for an increase in the license
fee for the operation of mobile home parks to provide for the
effective assessment and collection of the rental tax thereon is
required in order to alleviate a threat to the health, safety and
welfare of the citizens of Wicomico County;
Adopted June 13, 1983.
Bill 4
AN ACT to amend Chapter 22 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "County Council", Section 21, titled "Franchises
authorized" by repealing and reenacting said Section with
amendments, all of which said amendments of said County Code
shall be placed in said Section 21 of Chapter 22, to provide for
the granting of non-exclusive franchises for a community antenna
system or other cable television system that utilizes any public
right-of-way, highway, street, road, lane, alley or bridge, to
impose franchise fees and to establish rates, rules and
regulations for franchises granted:
WHEREAS the County Council of Wicomico County finds it
advisable to amend Chapter 22, Section 21 of the Wicomico County
Code, to add certain provisions relating to the franchising of
community antenna systems and cable television systems, for the
purpose of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Wicomico County:
Adopted October 13, 1983.