Bill No. 83-9
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsection
(34) of Section 25-2.4, and to add new Subsection (34.1) to
Section 25-2.4, heading, Definitions, and to add new Subsection
(f) to Section 25-5.6, heading, Accessory Uses And Structures, of
Chapter 25, heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as
amended, to redefine the definition of Day Care Center pursuant
to a change in state law; to provide for the definition of Family
Day Care Home; to exempt Family Day Care Home as an Accessory Use
in all zoning districts, subject to state registration and
Effective Date March 17, 1983.
Bill No. 83-10 (as amended)
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments,
Table 1, heading, Principal Permitted Uses For Specific Zoning
Districts, Natural Resources, of Section 25-6.2, heading,
Principal Permitted Uses By Districts; to repeal Subsections (a)
(3) (F) and (c) (3) (E) of Section 25-6.3, heading, Requirements
For Specific Districts, and to add new Subsection (E) to Section
25-8.3, (e), heading, Standards For Specific Special Exceptions,
all of Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25, heading,
Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide that
mineral extraction and processing uses be special exceptions in
the Agricultural and Rl Urban Residential Zoning Districts; to
delete certain specific regulations for mineral extraction and
processing; and to further provide that mineral extraction and
processing activities be subject to special exception
requirements and/or previously established conditional use
Effective Date March 17, 1983.
Bill No. 83-13
AN ACT to amend Section 11-26, heading, Taxes; Due Date
Interest Rate, of Chapter 11, Heading, Finance and Taxation, of
Article I, heading, In General, of the Harford County Code, as
amended; to provide for interest on overdue half-year taxes; and
to further provide for discounts and interests on County tax
bills dated other than July 1.
Effective Date April 15, 1983.