Bill No. 68-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
17-612(e) to the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and
Supplements), Title 17, "Taxation", Subtitle 6, "Water and
Wastewater Charges and Assessments", to establish a rate of
special benefit assessment for those properties to be served by
the Petition for Wastewater service on Crossroad, Oyster Harbor,
Petition No. Z-27137.
Approved August 25, 1983.
Bill No. 69-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
1-215 (VI) (A) and (VII) (A); and Section 1-217 (b) (185), (186)
and (187); and adding new paragraphs (184A) and (245A); of the
Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 1,
"Administration", Subtitle 2, "Personnel", Article II,
"Classified Service"; to amend certain standards for certain
positions; to establish standards for new positions, and matters
generally related thereto.
Approved August 2, 1983.
Bill No. 73-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments,
Sections 14-300(11) and 14-302(a) of the Anne Arundel County
Code, (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 14, "Police",
Subtitle 3, "Police and Fire Service Retirement", to generally
increase the eligibility and applicability of certain pension
plans to certain county employees.
Approved August 2, 1983.
Bill No. 77-83
AN ORDINANCE to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section
15A-313 (a) (1) and 15A-313 (d) of the Anne Arundel County Code
(1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 15A, "Utilities", Subtitle
3, "Water and Wastewater", as added by Bill No. 53-83, to amend
the criteria for mandatory connection to public water and