III. Scope of the Commission
The Commission shall conduct a thorough examination of
the laws governing or relating to services to
developmentally disabled citizens and, in doing so,
A. Hold hearings at which persons, organizations,
and agencies with an interest in developmental
disabilities may present their views;
B. Conduct meetings, discussions and investigations
as necessary to gather information on the laws
and services relating to the developmentally
disabled citizens in Maryland and other states;
C. Identify and examine the limitations and
problems associated with existing laws,
including the transition between the Special
Education services and the adult Mental
Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Administration services;
D. Examine the financing of services to the
developmentally disabled citizens, in particular
the role of the Medicaid program;
E. By October 15, 1984, provide an interim report
to the Governor on the Commission's activities
and any remedial recommendations to enhance the
delivery of existing services provided by the
Mental Retardation and Developmental
Disabilities Administration.
IV. Definition of Developmental Disability
On May 1, 1985, the Commission shall provide the
Governor with its recommendations on the appropriate
definition(s) of developmental disability to be
included in subsequent legislation revising Title 7 of
the Health General Article of the Code. In making
this recommendation, the Commission shall:
A. Consider the analysis and information generated
by the Walter P. Carter Center Developmental
Disability Demonstration Project;
B. Provide an analysis of the fiscal, programmatic,
and policy implications of adopting the
recommended definition(s) including such factors
as the need for a "grandfather" provision for