bonds or other evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of
financing the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,
equipment, maintenance, repair, renovation, financing, and
refinancing of 1 or more auxiliary facilities; to fix and
collect fees and charges for the use of auxiliary facilities
and to pledge all or any part of those fees as security for
bonds issued by the University; to establish 1 or more trust
funds for the deposit of auxiliary facilities fees or the
proceeds of the bonds and to retain the interest revenue
thereon; to fix and collect tuition and other student fees
and to pledge all or part of such tuition and student fees
as secondary security or other than as primary security for
bonds issued by the University; to receive grants, loans,
aid, and contributions; to acquire and dispose of property,
enter into agreements, employ such employees and agents as
may be necessary, and do all acts and things necessary or
convenient to carry out the powers granted under this Act;
and to perform other acts related to borrowing and to
repayment of debt; providing that bonds issued under this
Act are free from taxation by the State or its political
subdivisions or by any town or incorporated municipality or
any other public agency within the State; providing that
bonds issued under this Act do not constitute indebtedness
or obligation of the State of Maryland or of any political
subdivision thereof except the University of Maryland, and
that such bonds do not pledge the faith and credit of the
State; providing for the terms and conditions for issuance
of bonds issued under this Act; and generally relating to
the issuing of bonds for the purpose of financing auxiliary
facilities at the University of Maryland.
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
As used in this Act, the following words have the meanings
(a) "Auxiliary facility" and "auxiliary facilities" mean
any facility or facilities, now existing or hereafter constructed
or acquired, which furnish a service to students, faculty, or
staff at the University; such facilities shall include (but shall
not be limited by type or class or otherwise to) housing
facilities, eating facilities, recreational facilities, campus
infirmaries, parking facilities, athletic facilities, student
union or activity facilities, or any combination of such
(b) "Auxiliary facilities fees" means income, fees, rents,
charges, and revenues arising from the use of any auxiliary
(c) "Board" means the Board of Regents of the University.