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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2822   View pdf image
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2822                                             LAWS OF MARYLAND                                         Ch. 536

preserve and to protect the public peace, health, and safety.
For these purposes, a member of one of these forces is a peace
and police officer and has the same powers as sheriffs,
constables, police, and peace officers in their respective

(2)  The Superintendent of Baltimore Public Buildings
and Grounds shall establish speed limits and parking and
impounding regulations for control of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic on or within parking garages, surface parking lots,
private roads and sidewalks, that are owned or leased by the
State and are on or within the facilities which he is responsible
for maintaining and guarding.

The Superintendent has concurrent enforcement jurisdiction
with the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City with respect to
such parking and Maryland vehicle laws on such Baltimore City
streets, adjacent to the State properties and facilities for
which the Superintendent is responsible, as may be designated by
the police commissioner, and subject to the conditions the
commissioner may prescribe.

(3)  The Superintendent of Annapolis Public Buildings
and Grounds shall establish speed limits and parking and
impounding regulations for control of vehicular and pedestrian
traffic on or within parking garages, surface parking lots,
private roads and sidewalks, that are owned or leased by the
State and are on or within the facilities which he is responsible
for maintaining and guarding.

The Superintendent has concurrent enforcement jurisdiction
with the Chief of Police of Annapolis with respect to such
parking and Maryland vehicle laws on such Annapolis streets,
adjacent to the State properties and facilities for which the
Superintendent is responsible, as may be designated by the chief
of police, and subject to the conditions the chief of police may

Article 27 - Crimes and Punishments


(f) For purposes of this section, the term "police officer"
means any person who, in his official capacity, is authorized by
law to make arrests and who is:

(1)  A member of the Maryland State Police; or

(2)  A member of the Baltimore City police department;

(3) A member of the police department, bureau, or
force of any county; or


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2822   View pdf image
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