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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2793   View pdf image
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of the termination from the council of unit owners. This section
shall not apply to any contract or grant between the council of
unit owners and any governmental agency or public utility.


(c) The developer shall deliver to each tenant entitled to
receive the notice required by § 11-102.1, simultaneously with
the notice:


(f)(2) [Annually, on] ON the commencement date of the
extended lease, AND ANNUALLY THEREAFTER, the rental fee for the

unit may be increased. The increase may not exceed an amount

determined by multiplying the annual rent for the preceding year
by the percentage increase for the rent component of the U.S.
Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers

(CPI - W) (1967 - 100), as published by the U.S. Department of

Labor, for the most recent 12-month period.


(b) (1) A county or an incorporated municipality may
provide, by local law or ordinance, that a rental facility may
not be granted to a purchaser for the purpose of subjecting it to
a condominium regime unless the county, incorporated municipality
or housing agency has first been offered in writing the right to
purchase the rental facility on substantially the same terms and
conditions offered by the owner to the purchaser. The local law
or ordinance shall designate the title and mailing address of the
person to whom the offer to the county, incorporated municipality
or housing agency shall be delivered.

(2)  The offer shall contain a contingency entitling
the county, incorporated municipality or housing agency, to
secure financing within 180 days from the date of the offer.

(3)  Unless written acceptance of the offer is sooner
delivered to the owner by the county, incorporated municipality
or housing agency, the offer shall terminate, without further
act, 60 days after it is delivered to the county, incorporated
municipality or housing agency. If the offer terminates, the
owner may grant the rental facility to any person for any purpose
on terms and conditions not [less] MORE favorable TO A BUYER than
those offered by the owner to the county, incorporated
municipality or housing agency.

(4)  If the county, incorporated municipality, or
housing agency purchases the rental facility, it shall retain or
provide for the retention of the property as a rental facility
for at least 3 years from the date of acquisition.


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2793   View pdf image
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