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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 15   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                             15

River, Northeast River, Susquehanna River, Susquehanna Flats, and
the portion of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal that is within

B. Spawning Reaches. Within the spawning areas and rivers
listed in paragraph A. of this special enacting Section, sections
of these areas and rivers are established for special
conservation actions. These sections shall be known as spawning
reaches and are established as follows:

(1) Choptank River: a line connecting Bow Knee Point
and Wrights Wharf upstream to a line connecting Lyford Landing to
an unnamed point due east on the opposite shore.

(2) Nanticoke River: a line connecting Newfoundland
Point and Hatcrown Point, upstream to the Maryland-Delaware line,
and including the Marshyhope Creek, upstream to Little Indian

(3) Patuxent River: a line connecting Deep Landing
and the southerly point at the mouth of Summerville Creek,
upstream to a line connecting Jackson's Landing and an unnamed
point at the upstream end of Jug Bay on the opposite shore.

(4) Wicomico River: a line connecting Pine Beach and
Holland Point, upstream to a line connecting the eastern edge of
the mouth of Rockawalking Creek and a point marking the
downstream boundary of Stock Creek on the opposite shore of the

(5) Blackwater River: from the mouth at Snake
Island, upstream to the junction with the Little Blackwater

(6) Pocomoke River: a line connecting the mouth of
Bullbegger Creek and the east entrance of Fair Hill Channel,
upstream to the Highway 13 bridge in Pocomoke City.

(7) Transquaking River: from the mouth, on Fishing
Bay, upstream to Beaverdam Pond and including the Chicamacomico
River upstream to Brick House Landing.

(8) Chester River: a line connecting Piney Grove and
Primrose Point, upstream to the Highway 290 bridge at Crumpton.

(9) Manokin River: from Sharps Point, upstream to
the mouth of Taylor Branch.

(10) Potomac River: from a line connecting Upper
Cedar Point and the opposite shore, upstream to a line connecting
Whitestone Point and a point on the opposite shore.

(11) Susquehanna River: a line connecting Concord
Point and Stump Point, upstream to the base of the Conowingo Dam.


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 15   View pdf image
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