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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 16   View pdf image
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Ch. 5

(12) Within the area of the Chesapeake Bay and its
tributaries north of a line drawn from Abbey Point to Worton
Point; specifically, that area within and bounded by the
shoreline and lines connecting Worton Point to Abbey Point in the
Chesapeake Bay, Carpenter Point to Red Point, Scotland Point to
Old Frenchtown Wharf in the Elk River, the Maryland-Delaware
State line in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, Town Point to
Ford Landing at the mouth of the Bohemia River, Grove Point to
Howell Point at the mouth of the Sassafras River, Meeks Point to
Rocky Point at the mouth of Still Pond Creek.

C. Catching, Taking, Possessing, and Selling Striped Bass.
Except as prohibited in paragraphs D., E., and F. of this special
enacting Section, striped bass may be taken for commercial and
noncommercial use.

D. Prohibition and Limitations on Methods.

(1) Gill nets, including drift nets, stake nets, or
anchor nets having a stretched mesh size greater than 6 inches,
may not be set or fished in the Chesapeake Bay or its

(a) A drift net is a gill net that is designed
to move with water currents. A drift net is not secured to
anchors or stakes set firmly in the bottom.

(b) A stake net is a gill net that is hung from
or supported by stakes driven firmly into the water's bottom.

(c) An anchor net is a gill net that is
stationary in the water and secured to the bottom by means of
conventional anchors or heavy weights.

(2)  Drift and stake gill nets having a stretched mesh
less than 3-1/2 inches may not be set or fished within the area
of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries north of the William
Preston Lane Memorial Bridge, or in spawning rivers or areas
established in paragraph A. of this special enacting Section,
from March 1 to May 31, inclusive. As provided in paragraph
E.(5) of this special enacting Section, anchor gill nets may not
be set or fished during this time in these areas. On November 1,
1984, the minimum net mesh size will be 4 inches for gill nets
set or fished in these areas.

(3) Within 1,200 feet of any pier that supports
either span of the William Preston Lane Memorial Bridge, a person
may not:

(a) Fish with a hook and line if .the person
holds a commercial license to fish with hook and line; or

(b) Fish with a treble hook that is not an
intrinsic part of floating fishing lure.


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 16   View pdf image
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