Bill No. 04-24 As Amended
AN ACT to repeal the definition of camping trailer, of Section 244-1, Definitions; to
add the definition of recreational vehicle to Section 244-1, Definitions; to repeal
and reenact, with amendments, the definition of trailer, of Section 244-1,
Definitions, all of Article I, General Provisions; to add new Subsection G to
Section 244-17.1, Stopping, Standing and Parking, of Article IIIA, Parking, all
of Chapter 244, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Harford County Code, as amended;
to provide for a definition of recreational vehicle, to prohibit the parking of
boats, recreational vehicles and trailers on County roads except under certain
circumstances; and generally relating to boats recreational vehicles and trailers.
Bill No. 04-25
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Subsection B(9) of Section 23-12,
Persons required to file statements, of Article IV, Financial Disclosure, of
Chapter 23, Ethics Code, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide
for a change in the grade level of employees required to file financial disclosure
statements in conformance with the changes made to the payscale after the
Singer study.
Bill No. 04-34 (As Amended)
AN ACT to add new Subsection E(3) to Section 256-30, Method of Assessment, of
Article I, General Provisions; and to repeal and re-enact, with amendments,
Subsection I, Fallston Commercial Corridor, of Section 256-40, Establishment;
boundaries, of Article III, Other Sanitary Subdistricts, all of Chapter 256, Water
and Sewers, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for the
inclusion of additional parcels into the Fallston Sanitary Subdistrict; and
generally relating to the Fallston Sanitary Subdistrict.
Bill No. 04-38 (As Amended)
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 9-28, Membership; terms,
of Article VI, Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council, of Part 2,
Nonbinding Advisory Boards, of Chapter 9, Boards, Commissions, Councils and
Agencies, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for changes to the
membership of the Harford County Mental Health and Addictions Advisory
Council so it meets the requirements of the State's Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Council and can be designated as the County's local council; and generally
relating to the Mental Health and Addictions Advisory Council.
Bill No. 04-39
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Subsection J of Section 256-13,
Water and Sewer Plan, of Article I, General Provisions, of Chapter 256, Water
and Sewers, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for the
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