adoption of the Fall 2004 Master Water and Sewer Plan and to submit said Plan
to the Maryland Department of the Environment for its approval and
implementation pursuant to Title 9 of the Environment Article of the Maryland
Annotated Code.
Bill No. 04-40
AN EMERGENCY ACT to initiate the comprehensive zoning review as permitted
under the Harford County Code, as amended; to suspend Section 267-12 of the
Harford County Code, as amended, for a certain period of time; to provide that
certain zoning reclassification application will not be accepted during the period
that Section 267-12 is suspended, with certain exceptions; and generally
relating to zoning.
Bill No. 04-46
AN EMERGENCY ACT to add new Subsection A(3) to Section 267-49, Housing for
the elderly, of Article VII, Design Standards for Special Developments, of Part 1,
Standards, of Chapter 267, Zoning, all of the Harford County Code, as amended;
to establish a temporary moratorium on the approval of preliminary plans for
housing for the elderly; to establish the duration of the moratorium; and
generally relating to housing for the elderly.
Bill No. 04-47 (As Amended)
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Chapter 202, Plumbing, of the
Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for the adoption of the 2003
National Standard Plumbing Code with the 2004 supplement, with certain
amendments thereto, to stand in lieu of the 2000 National Standard Plumbing
Code; and generally relating to plumbing regulations in Harford County,
Bill No. 04-51
AN ACT to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Section 267-36.1, RO
Residential/Office District, of Article VI, District Regulations, to repeal and
reenact, with amendments, subsection B, of Section 267-43, Approval, of Article
VII, Design Standards for Special Developments; to add new subsection (M) to
Section 267-44, Applicability, of Article VII, Design Standards for Special
Developments; to add new Section 267-47.1, Retail/Service/Office Uses in the
RO District to Article VII, Design Standards for Special Developments, all of
Part 1, Standards, all of Chapter 267, Zoning; to repeal and reenact, with
amendments, Table I: Principal Permitted Uses for Specific Zoning Districts:
Retail Trade; and to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Table I: Principal
Permitted Uses for Specific Zoning Districts: Services, all of Chapter 267,
Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to require that retail, service
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