Comprehensive Zoning Map Process
FOR the purpose of providing that a development plan may not be processed by the
hearing officer until a certain time if the plan includes a tract of land that is the
subject of a comprehensive zoning map issue; defining terms; providing that a
plan is subject to the map in effect at the time of final plan approval; and
generally relating to the processing of or other request for approval may not be
approved or vested until a certain time if the plan includes a tract of land that is
the subject of certain comprehensive zoning map issues: defining terms;
providing that any approval or permit shall be in compliance with the new
zoning map: and generally relating to the processing of approvals and
development plans that involve comprehensive zoning map issues.
BY adding
Section 32-4-204
Article 32 - Planning, Zoning and Subdivision Control
Title 4 - Development
Subtitle 2 - Development review and approval process
Baltimore County Code, 2003
Bill No. 54-04
AN ACT concerning
Zoning Regulations - R.C. 3 Zone
FOR the purpose of amending the legislative policy statement applicable to the R.C. 3
zoning classification; providing certain performance standards for residential
development in the R.C. 3 Zone; providing for the application of the Act; and
generally relating to the R.C. 3 Zone.
BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments
Section 1A02.1.A
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
BY adding
Section 1A02.5
Baltimore County Zoning Regulations, as amended
Bill No. 55-04
AN ACT concerning
Zoning Regulations - R.C. 5 Zone
FOR the purpose of amending the minimum lot requirement in the R.C. 5 Zone;
providing exceptions; repealing obsolete references; altering the building
setback requirement of the R.C. 5 Zone; providing performance standards for
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