Bill No. 79-03
Code Supplements - Legalizing
FOR the purpose of legalizing Supplement No. 68, 9-03, to the Anne Arundel County
Bill No. 80-03
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Charges and Assessments for Water and Wastewater
FOR the purpose of establishing a certain quarterly minimum usage charge; adopting
certain provisions relating to penalties, back-billing, adjustments, and payment
plans for utility bills; altering certain provisions related to capital facility
connection charges; altering basic rates for construction of lateral utility lines
and appurtenances; providing for an annual adjustment in the basic rates for
construction of lateral utility lines and appurtenances; altering certain
provisions relating to allocation of water and wastewater; transferring certain
provisions regarding payment of capital facility connection charges for the
United States Naval Station to the Laws of Anne Arundel County; and generally
relating to charges for water and wastewater.
BY repealing:
Article 6, §§ 5-204, 5-208(a)(2) and (5), (c), and (k), and 5-208.1(a)(2), (5), and
(6) and (c); Article 27, § 3-309(c)(3) and (4), 4-102(a), and 4-106(a)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 6, §§ 5-201, 5-202.1(3), 5-205(a), 5-208(a)(3), (b)(2), (f), (j), and (1),
5-208.1(a)(3) and (4), (e), (f), (g), and (h); Article 27, §§ 3-213(h),
3-301(c-1) and (j), 3-308, 3-309(a)(l) and (3), (b), and (c)(2), 4-102(b) and
(c), and 4-106(b)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 6, §§ 5-201, 5-201.1, 5-201.2(g), 5-204, 5-208(c) and (f)(4); Article 27, §§
3-301(m-l), 3-309(c)(3) and (4), (d) and (e) and 4-102(a), (c), and (e)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering:
Article 6, §§ 5-208(a)(4), (m), and (n), and 5-208.1(d), (i), (j), and (k) and Article
27, §§ 3-309(d) and (e) and 4-102(d) to be Article 6, §§ 5-208(a)(3), (1), and
(m), and 5-208.1(c), (h), (i), and (j) and Article 27, §§ 3-309(f) and (g), and
4-102(f), respectively
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
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