development; providing for variances and modifications of certain requirements
in the OGMA; providing for and describing standard and optional methods of
development, including the alteration, reconstruction, expansion, or conversion
of existing development; requiring a concept plan and final development plan for
all development; establishing requirements and procedures for determining the
adequacy of public facilities in the OGMA; specifying certain maintenance
requirements; providing for the enforcement of certain actions as violations of
the Zoning Article; permitting certain requirements and regulations to be
superseded by approved plans; providing transitional provisions for the
evaluation of plans in the OGMA; providing for and making the effective date of
the ordinance contingent on certain events; and generally relating to the
regulation of land use in the OGMA.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 3, § 2-107(d); Article 24, § 1-102(1)(as amended by Bill No. 39-03);
Article 26, § 1-116; Article 27, § 3-305(a); and Article 28, §§ 11-102.1(d)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY repealing:
Article 28, Title 1C in its entirety
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY renumbering:
Article 28, § 15-104.2(a) through (f) to be Article 28, § 15-104.2(b) through (g),
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding:
Article 28, §§ 1-124(f); 1C-101 through 1C-203 to be under the new title, "Title
1C. Odenton Growth Management Area Districts"; 11-102.1(f); and
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 75-03
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
The General Development Plan - Jessup/Maryland City Small Area Plan
FOR the purpose of adding the Jessup/Maryland City Small Area Plan to the
documents used to guide the future development of land and the location of
public services and facilities in the County; and amending the General
Development Plan by the Jessup/Maryland City Small Area Plan.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 24, § 1-102(1) (as amended by Bill Nos. 39-03 and 48-03)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
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