Bill No. 68-03
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
The Odenton Growth Management Areas Area and Plan Review
FOR the purpose of providing for the establishment of The Odenton Growth
Management Areas Area: defining certain terms; describing the purposes of a
The Odenton Growth Management Area; providing for the contents of a The
Odenton Growth Management Area Plan; specifying that provisions of a The
Odenton Growth Management Area Plan may have the force and effect of law;
providing for Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements; specifying
the contents of concept plans and final development plans for development in
The Odenton Growth Management Areas Area, and making certain changes to
the content of plans in mixed use districts; providing for the appeals of concept
plans and final development plans; prescribing the content of certain public
notices; allowing building permits to be substituted for final development plans
under certain circumstances; providing for the expiration and extension of
approval of plans; providing for the applicability of this Ordinance to certain
development; and generally relating to The Odenton Growth Management
Areas Area.
BY adding:
Article 24, §§ 9-101 through 9-105 to be under the new title, "Title 9. The
Odenton Growth Management Areas Area"
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments:
Article 28, §§ 15-101(a)(8) and (9) and (c), 15-104.4, 15-104.5, and 15-106
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Bill No. 69-03
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Odenton Growth Management Area
FOR the purpose of adopting the Odenton Town Center Master Plan dated October
November. 2003 (OTCMP) as the growth management area plan for the
Odenton Growth Management Area (OGMA); establishing standards for
variances in the OGMA; providing that certain provisions of the Zoning Article
and the OTCMP supersede the provisions of the Subdivision Article under
certain conditions; providing for allocation of water or wastewater capacity to
development in the OGMA; creating the seven OGMA zoning districts; defining
certain terms; establishing the purpose and scope of an OGMA zoning district;
restricting certain administrative rezonings; providing for the status of the
OTCMP; specifying the status and manner of application of the functional
planning controls and design standards in the OTCMP to new and pre-existing
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