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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2450   View pdf image
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Ch. 445                                    2005 LAWS OF MARYLAND (8)       Marshy Point Nature Center, provide a
$300,000 grant for the planning, design,
construction, and capital equipping of an
expansion of the Marshy Point Nature Center,
located in Middle River (Baltimore County);
(9)       Tall Trees Community Center, provide a
$442,000 grant for the planning, design,
construction, and capital equipping of a
community center to be built on the grounds of
Tall Trees Park in the Essex and Middle River
area of Baltimore County (Baltimore County);
(10)      North Beach Waterfront Park, provide a
$200,000 grant for the construction, repair,
renovation, reconstruction, and capital
equipping of improvements to the Waterfront
District, in North Beach (Calvert County);
(11)      Montgomery Village Amphitheater, provide
a $100,000 grant for the design, construction,
renovation, and capital equipping of the
Village Core Natural Amphitheater, located
in Montgomery Village (Montgomery
(12)        Walker Mill Regional Park, provide a
$700,000 grant for the planning, design,
demolition, construction, renovation, and
capital equipping of Walker Mill Regional
Park, located in Capitol Heights (Prince
George's County); and
(13)      Lions Camp Merrick, provide a $58,000
grant for the renovation of the recreational
hall and arts and crafts building at Camp
Merrick, located in Nanjemoy (Charles
(B) Rural Legacy Program. Provide funds for the purchase of
conservation easements and the acquisition of land. The funds
appropriated for this purpose shall be administered in
accordance with Sections 5-9A-01 through 5-9A-07 of the
Natural Resources Article (Statewide)..........................................
KA17                                         FISHERIES SERVICE (A) Oyster Restoration Program. Provide funds for the construction - 2450 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2450   View pdf image
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