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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2449   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 445 4,000,000 (1)    Bayhead Park, provide a $500,000 grant for
the planning, design, construction, and
capital equipping of Bayhead Park, and
related facilities and parking, located in
Annapolis (Anne Arundel County); (2)    Lillian Holt Park, provide a $200,000 grant
for the renovation of structures and amenities
throughout Lillian Holt Park and Center for
the Arts, located in the Overlea and Fullerton
areas of Baltimore County (Baltimore
County); (3)    Baltimore County Recreation Facilities,
provide a $800,000 grant for the planning,
design, construction, repair, renovation,
reconstruction, and capital equipping of the
athletic fields at the Fullerton Elementary
School Recreation Center, Catonsville Park,
the Berkshire Elementary School Recreation
Center, and Hannah More Park (Baltimore
County); and (4)    Other Projects, provide $1,500,000 in grants
for projects selected by the Senate (4)     Davidsonville Park, provide a $200,000 grant
for the acquisition, planning., design, and
construction of athletic field lighting in
Davidsonville Park, located in Davidsonville
(Anne Arundel County);
(5)     Kinder Farm Park, provide a $100,000 grant
for the acquisition and construction of lighting
and related lighting equipment at the Harvey
Garcelon Sports Complex, in Kinder Farm
Park, located in Millersville (Anne Arundel
(6)     North County Park, provide a $100,000 grant
for the planning and design of a park to be
located in the northern section of Baltimore
County (Baltimore County);
(7) Willow Grove Bridge, provide a $300,000
grant for the renovation of the Willow Grove
Bridge, located in Cromwell Valley Park
(Baltimore County);
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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2449   View pdf image
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