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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2429   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor                             Ch. 444 SECTION 20. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, to the extent it is fiscally prudent, the General Assembly will consider a reduction in the State property
tax rate for fiscal year 2007.
SECTION 18. 21. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in § 8-403 of the Transportation Article or any other
provision of State law, for fiscal year 2006, only: (a) (1) The amount to be distributed under § 8-403(b) of the Transportation
Article shall be reduced by $45,000,000 $48,500,000 for fiscal year 2006 and that amount shall be distributed to the General Fund; and (2) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the amount to be
distributed to Baltimore City under § 8-403(a) of the Transportation Article shall be
limited to $217,406,748 $216,468,853 in fiscal year 2006. (b) For fiscal year 2006 only, if the total highway user revenues as defined
under § 8-401 of the Transportation Article exceed $1,848,218,347 $1,846,276,347,
the amount to be distributed to Baltimore City under § 8-403(a) of the Transportation
Article shall be limited to the sum of: (1) $217,406,748 $216,468,853; and (2) 12.25% of the total highway user revenues in excess of $1,848,218,347 $1,846,276,347. SECTION 19. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, in addition to the
distribution of revenues to Baltimore City and the 23 local jurisdictions under Title 8,
Subtitle 4 of the Transportation Article, each jurisdiction shall receive the following
one-time grant allocation as provided for in the fiscal year 2006 budget for the
purpose of transportation related capital improvements with a 15-year useful life
and a cost of at least $100,000:
Allegany $416,356
Anne Arundel 1,765,594
Baltimore City 4,500,000
Baltimore 2,388,652
Calvert 354,434
Caroline 280,548
Carroll 793,431
Cecil 436,891
Charles 541,254
Dorchester 313,670
Frederick 1,034,262
Garrett 356,438
Harford 900,802
Howard 869,591
Kent 161,256
Montgomery 2,508,637
Prince George's 2,143,023
Queen Anne's 317,086
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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2429   View pdf image
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