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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2430   View pdf image
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Ch. 444
St. Mary's 420,271
Somerset 187,368
Talbot 255,187
Washington 662,397
Wicomico 506,284
Worcester 386,568
SECTION 20, 22. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the unexpended
appropriation for the following purpose that was included in the fiscal year 2005
operating budget (Chapter 429 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2004) is reduced
by the amount indicated below and is hereby retained in the Transportation Trust
Fund: Amount of Reduction
Fiscal Year   Program                           Entitled                             Special Funds 2005                  J00A04.01 Debt Service Requirements                $21,911,313 SECTION 21. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding §
13-209(f) of the Tax Property Article or any other provision of law, if the actual

transfer tax revenue collections for fiscal 2005 exceed the fiscal 2005 budget estimate
of $132,797,000; (a) The first $1,500,000 of the excess over $132,707,000 shall be distributed to
Baltimore City to be used for park operations in accordance with § 5-903(a)(2)(ii) of
the Natural Resources Article. A distribution to Baltimore City under this section
shall be implemented by budget amendment in fiscal 2006.
(b) After the distribution under paragraph (1) of this section, the next
$60,000,000 of the excess over $132.797,000 shall be allocated for use in fiscal 2006
for Program Open Space, the Agricultural Land Preservation Fund, the Rural Legacy
Program, and the Heritage Conservation Fund. Funds made available for these

programs under this section shall be appropriated by budget amendment for use in
fiscal 2006 and shall be allocated as provided in § 13-209(d) of the Tax Prop
Article. SECTION 23. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding any
other provision of law, for fiscal year 2006, $1,500,000 of the State's share of funds
available under Program Open Space shall be used to make a grant to Baltimore City
in accordance with §
5-903(a)(2)(ii) of the Natural Resources Article. SECTION 22. 24. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That employees of the
Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research may elect to be appointed to
positions in the State Personnel Management System created by the Board of Public
Works during fiscal year 2006. An employee who elects to be appointed shall be placed
in a comparable classification in the State Personnel Management System without
further examination or qualification and with a salary level closest to but not greater
than the salary under the Maryland Institute for Policy Analysis and Research
- 2430 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2430   View pdf image
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