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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2428   View pdf image
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Ch. 444                                    2005 LAWS OF MARYLAND (e) Contingent on the Cigarette Restitution Funds available for expenditure in
fiscal 2006 exceeding $134,288,000, and contingent on the approval of a budget
amendment appropriating the amount for the purpose specified in subsection (d) of
this section, if Chapter 322 (S.B. 586) of the Acts of the General Assembly of 2005 is
enacted, or on the approval of a budget amendment appropriating the amount
specified in subsection (c) of this section, if Chapter 322 (S.B. 586) is not enacted.
$847,000 to the State Department of Education for the funding of family support
(f) Contingent on the Cigarette Restitution Funds available for expenditure in
fiscal 2006 exceeding $135,135,000 and the approval of a budget amendment
appropriating the amount for the purpose specified in subsection (e) of this section.
$1,000,000 to the State Department of Education for the purchase of textbooks and
computer hardware and software for nonpublic schools to be expended in accordance
with the requirements of R00A03.04 Aid to Non-Public Schools in the budget bill.
SECTION 17. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Governor shall,
include $3,788,827 in the budget bill for fiscal year 2007 for the Challenge Grant
Program in the Maryland State Department of Education (R00A02.54) to provide
grants to eligible schools in the same amounts that were provided in fiscal year 2005.
SECTION 15. 18. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding
the provisions of Chapter 429 of the Acts of 2004 or any other provision of law, the
Governor may authorize the use of certain appropriations for the Charles H. Hickey,
Jr. School: (a) for the State operation of the facility; and (b) to the extent the appropriations are not needed for the State operation of
the facility, for general fund payables of the Department of Juvenile Services reported
to the General Accounting Division at fiscal year 2004 closeout and for anticipated
deficits in the Department's residential per diem program in fiscal year 2005. SECTION 16. 19. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding
any other provision of law, the proceeds and accumulated interest from the
demutualization of the MetLife Insurance Company received by the State as the
policyholder of the MetLife group term life policy, in the amount of approximately
$13,667,896, plus interest that accrues from December 1, 2004, through the effective
date of this Act, shall be used to pay expenses in connection with the State Employee
and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program as provided in the fiscal year 2006
budget. SECTION 17. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intent of the
General Assembly that the additional revenues provided for fiscal 2006 for payment

of debt service under § 13-209(e)(1)(iv) and (f)(1)(ii) of the Tax Property Article, as

enacted by Section 1 of this Act, be used to reduce the State property tax rate for real
property other than operating property of a public utility for the tax year beginning
July 1, 2005, to 8.4 cents per $100 of assessed value.
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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2428   View pdf image
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