ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 444
law, for fiscal year 2006, the State Board of Social Work Examiners Fund may be used
for the costs of the social worker training academy within the Department of Human
SECTION 14 15. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding §
7-317 of the State Finance and Procurement Article or any other provision of law, for
fiscal 2005 and fiscal 2006 only, funds may be transferred by budget amendment from
the Cigarette Restitution Fund in the following amounts for the purposes specified;
(a) Up only, up to $1,000,000 may be transferred by budget amendment from
the Cigarette Restitution Fund and appropriated in fiscal 2005 to conduct the
comprehensive evaluation of the Cigarette Restitution Fund Program required by
Section 9 of Chapter 17 of the Acts of 2000. as amended by Chapter 430 of the Acts of
2004; and
(b) Up to $7,700,000 of funds not appropriated in the fiscal 2006 budget bill
may be appropriated in fiscal 2006 for grants to the University of Maryland Medical
Group and the Johns Hopkins Institutions in accordance with § 13-1114 of the Health
--General Article.
SECTION 16. AND RE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, contingent on the
appropriation by approved budget amendment of the amount provided in Section 15 of
this Act, and notwithstanding § 7-317 of the State Finance and Procurement Article or
any other provision of law, for fiscal 2006 only, funds may be appropriated and
transferred by budget amendment from unexpended revenues and balances of the
Cigarette Restitution Fund in the following amounts for the purposes specified;
(a) Contingent on the Cigarette Restitution Funds available for expenditure in
fiscal 2006 exceeding $122,738,000, $3,500,000 to the Maryland State Department of
Education for Challenge Grants to be provided to all of the eligible schools that
received grants in fiscal 2005, in proportion to the grants received in fiscal 2005.
(b) Contingent on the Cigarette Restitution Funds available for expenditure in
fiscal 2006 exceeding $126,238,000 and the approval of a budget amendment
appropriating the amount for the purpose specified in subsection (a) of this section,
$6,700,000 for grants to the University of Maryland Medical Group and the Johns
Hopkins Institutions authorized under § 13-1114 of the Health - General Article, in
proportion to the grants received in fiscal 2005.
(c) Contingent on the Cigarette Restitution Funds available, for expenditure in
fiscal 2006 exceeding $132.938.000 and the approval of a budget amendment
appropriating the amount for the purpose specified in subsection (b) of this section.
$1,200,000 to the State Department of Education, to be distributed as Literacy Works
Grants in order to reduce the waiting list for adult education and literacy services.
(d) Contingent on Chapter 322 (S.R. 586) of the Acts of the General Assembly of
2005 taking effect, the Cigarette Restitution Funds available for expenditure in fiscal
2006 exceeding $134,138,000, and the approval of a budget amendment appropriating
the amount for the purpose specified in subsection (c) of this section, $150,000 to the
Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation for the Maryland Summer Youth
Connection Program.
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