Ch. 444
(b) (1) The Commission may authorize the payment of special bonuses or
incentives to licensed agents and their employees.
(2) The total of the bonuses and incentives may not exceed one-half of 1%
of the gross receipts from ticket sales for the year for which the bonuses or incentives
ore awarded.
(3) Lottery sales agents may not offer patrons inducements of alcoholic
beverages to purchase or redeem lottery tickets.
(c) Unless otherwise expressly provided by a lease for premises on which lottery
tickets are sold, whenever lottery tickets are sold by a licensed agent on premises
subject to rent, that is wholly or partially based on a percentage of gross sales or
receipts, the tenant responsible for payment of the rent may calculate that portion of
the rent arising from the sale of lottery tickets solely on the basis of:
(1) the commission received by the licensed agent on the sale of those
tickets; and
(2) in the case of instant lottery tickets, the difference between the price
paid by the licensed agent in purchasing the tickets from the Agency and the price for
which they were sold by the agent.
SECTION 9. 10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section(s) 8-301
through 8-305. inclusive, and the subtitle "Subtitle 3. Law Enforcement and
Correctional Training Fund" of Article - Correctional Services of the Annotated Code
of Maryland be repealed.
SECTION 10. 11. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding
§ 7-301 of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, as enacted by Section 1 of this
Act, for fiscal year 2006 the Comptroller shall pay into the Law Enforcement and
Correctional Training Fund one-third of all court costs collected by the District Court
under § 7-301(a) and (b)(1) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, Any
balance remaining in the Law Enforcement and Correctional Training Fund at the
end of June 30, 2006, shall be transferred to the General Fund of the State.
SECTION 11. 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding §
16-317 of the Education Article. Chapter 430 of the Acts of 2004. Chapter 440 of the
Acts of 2002, as amended by Chapter 203 of the Acts of 2003, or any other provision of
law, the portion of fiscal year 2002 and 2003 payments required to eligible
institutions under § 16-317 of the Education Article for private technology donation
incentives that are not funded in the fiscal year 2006 budget shall be deferred until
fiscal year 2007.
SECTION 12. 13. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding §
13-1115 of the Health - General Article, for fiscal year 2006 only the amount of each
Statewide Academic Health Center Public Health Grant distributed to the University
of Maryland Medical Group or the Johns Hopkins Institutions, respectively, shall be
SECTION 13. 14. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, notwithstanding
the provisions of § 19-206 of the Health Occupations Article or any other provision of
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