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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2425   View pdf image
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ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 444
arrange as the Secretary considers appropriate any benefit option for inclusion in the
Program. 2-504. Each year the Governor shall include money in the State budget to pay the State
share of the costs of the Program. SECTION 8. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows: Article - Education 5-202. [(c) (1) If State aid for public elementary and secondary education exceeds
31.5% of the projected general funds of the State in any fiscal year, then the amount
required for the annual per pupil foundation amount may not be implemented for the
next fiscal year unless the General Assembly, at the regular session immediately
preceding that next fiscal year, affirms by joint resolution that the additional State
aid required using the annual per pupil foundation amount is within the State's fiscal
resources. (2) As provided under paragraph (1) of this subsection, if State aid for
public elementary and secondary education exceeds the percentage amount specified
and a joint resolution of affirmation is not enacted by the General Assembly then the
annual per pupil foundation amount in which the State shall share for the next fiscal
year shall be the lesser of the annual per pupil foundation amount for the fiscal year
or an amount equal to 108 percent of the prior year's annual per pupil foundation
amount. (3) By January 14 of each year, the Department of Legislative Services
shall calculate State aid as a percentage of the projected State General Fund
revenues for the current fiscal year, State aid shall include State funds provided to
the county boards whether pursuant to formula or on a grant basis and State
payments on behalf of the county boards such as retirement and debt service for State
bonds for school construction.] SECTION 9. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Laws of Maryland
read as follows:
Article - State Government 9-117. (a) (1) During a calendar year, a licensed agent shall receive regular
commissions of [5%] 5.5% of the licensed agent's gross receipts from ticket sales made
during that year.
(2) A licensed agent may further receive a cashing fee not to exceed 3% of
valid prizes paid for services rendered in cashing winning tickets.
- 2425 -

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Session Laws, 2005
Volume 752, Page 2425   View pdf image
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