Ch. 443
(3) (i) During the period of fiscal years 1988 through 1992 as included
in the annual State Report on Transportation, the Department shall utilize all of its
share of the revenues attributable to the 5-cent increase of the motor fuel tax under
the provisions of Chapter 291 of the Acts of 1987 and credited to the Transportation
Trust Fund under § 2-1104 of the Tax—General Article and the proceeds of any
increased indebtedness based on that revenue and credited to the Transportation
Trust Fund to fund Department projects for the construction, reconstruction, and
rehabilitation of the State highway system.
(ii) During the period of fiscal year 1988 through fiscal year 1992
the total level of State funds appropriated to the State Highway Administration for
construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the State highway system,
including the revenues referred to in subparagraph (i) above, shall be at least 70
percent of the total appropriation of State funds in the consolidate transportation
capital program.
(iii) The Secretary of the Department shall submit, subject to §
2-1246 of the State Government Article, to the Legislative Policy Committee and the
Department of Legislative Services a report:
1. Prior to the beginning of each session through the 1991
session, detailing the intended use of the new revenues; and
2. Prior to the beginning of each session beginning with the
1989 session and through the 1993 session, detailing the actual use of the new
revenues in the prior fiscal year.
(4) Of the new revenues derived under the provisions of Chapter 291 of
the Acts of 1987 and credited to the Department, $31,000,000 shall be transferred to
the Maryland Emergency Medical Service System Fund at such time as determined
by the Secretary of Budget and Management.
(5) For each fiscal year, the Department shall use the funds in the
Transportation Trust Fund for the purposes specified in subsection (e)(2)(ii) of this
section, which may include construction and maintenance of:
(i) Public bicycle areas as defined in § 21-101(k) of this article;
(ii) Bicycle ways as defined in § 21-101(l) of this article; and
(iii) Sidewalks as defined in § 21-101(t) of this article.
(6) Each year, before the General Assembly considers the proposed
Maryland Transportation Plan and the Consolidated Transportation Program, the
Department shall report to the General Assembly, in accordance with § 2-1246 of the
State Government Article, on:
(i) The expenditures made toward the attainment of the bicycle
and pedestrian transportation goals during the preceding fiscal year under Title 2,
Subtitle 6 of this article; and
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