ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Governor Ch. 443
(ii) The progress made toward attainment of the bicycle and
pedestrian transportation goals identified for the fiscal year under Title 2, Subtitle 6
of this article.
(e) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, this section is
effective notwithstanding any other provision of law.
(2) Nothing in this section may adversely affect in any way the security
of any of the following bonds while they are outstanding and unpaid:
(i) State highway construction bonds, second issue;
(ii) State highway construction bonds, third issue;
(iii) County highway construction bonds; or
(iv) County highway construction bonds, second issue.
(3) It is the intent of the General Assembly that, as long as any of the
bonds listed in paragraph (2) of this subsection are outstanding and unpaid:
(i) The sinking fund requirements established for the payment of
the principal of and interest on those bonds shall remain unchanged, as if this section
had not been enacted; and
(ii) The taxes and revenues pledged to the payment of the principal
of and interest on those bonds as they become due and payable may not be repealed,
diminished, or applied to any other purpose until:
1. The bonds and the interest on them have become due and
fully paid; or
2. Adequate and complete provision for payment of the
principal and interest has been made.
(f) (1) No part of the Transportation Trust Fund may revert or be credited to
the general funds of this State. No part of the Transportation Trust Fund may revert
or be credited to a special fund of the State, unless otherwise provided by law. No part
of the Transportation Trust Fund may revert or be credited to a special fund of the
State pursuant to the provisions of § 7-209(e)(2) of the State Finance and
Procurement Article, unless the transfer is approved by the Legislative Policy
Committee. Failure of the Legislative Policy Committee to reject the transfer within
15 days after presentation before the Legislative Policy Committee shall be deemed to
be approval.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for fiscal year 1984 only,
$29,000,000 of the funds in the Transportation Trust Fund which are not required by
law to be distributed to the counties or Baltimore City and which have not been
pledged or otherwise committed to the payment of or as security for the payment of
any bonds or debt issued or incurred pursuant to this article shall be transferred and
credited to the general funds of the State on or before June 30, 1984 and shall be
available for appropriation from the general funds in fiscal year 1984.
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