Ch. 443
(a) There is a Transportation Trust Fund for the Department.
(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided by statute, there shall be credited
to the Transportation Trust Fund for the account of the Department all taxes, fees,
charges, and revenues collected or received by or paid, appropriated, or credited to the
account of the Department or any of its units in the exercise of their rights, powers,
duties, or obligations, including the cash proceeds of the sale of consolidated
transportation bonds, notes, or other evidences of obligation issued by the
Department, any General Fund appropriations, and the proceeds of any State loan or
federal grant made for transportation purposes.
(e) (1) There shall be maintained in the Transportation Trust Fund one or
more sinking fund accounts to which shall be credited and from which shall be paid,
from the proceeds of the taxes levied and imposed for that purpose or from any other
funds of the Department, amounts sufficient at all times to meet the debt service on
all bonds of prior issues and consolidated transportation bonds from time to time
outstanding and unpaid.
(2) (i) The Gasoline and Motor Vehicle Revenue Account, the Driver
Education Account, [and] the Motorcycle Safety Program Account, AND THE MASS
TRANSIT ACCOUNT shall be maintained in the Transportation Trust Fund.
(ii) In each fiscal year, the Department shall budget from federal
funds available to the Department, other funds in the Transportation Trust Fund, and
any other funds available to the Department, an amount sufficient to fund projects
and programs determined by the Secretary to be necessary to achieve the bicycle and
pedestrian transportation goals identified for the fiscal year under Title 2, Subtitle 6
of this article.
(d) (1) After meeting its debt service requirements, the Department may use
the funds in the Transportation Trust Fund for any lawful purpose related to the
exercise of its rights, powers, duties, and obligations.
(2) Expenditures under this subsection shall be made in accordance with
any appropriation provided for in any applicable budget bill or supplementary
appropriation bill. However, an appropriation proposed to be made to any unit in the
Department or proposed to be made for any designated transportation activity,
function, or undertaking that has been reduced by the General Assembly may not be
restored, for the same purpose as originally proposed, except in an emergency, by the
budget amendment procedure of § 7-209 of the State Finance and Procurement
Article, or otherwise if the General Assembly in striking or reducing the
appropriation, prohibited its restoration. However, except for emergency capital
projects, if the General Assembly explicitly reduces in the budget bill an
appropriation proposed for a major capital project as defined in § 2-103.1(a)(4) of this
article, the appropriation may not be restored for the same purpose as originally
proposed by the budget amendment procedure of § 7-209 of the State Finance and
Procurement Article or otherwise unless the General Assembly, in striking or
reducing the appropriation, expressly authorized its restoration.
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