Ch. 278
WHEREAS, Article 24, § 12-103 of the Code also requires the Board of County
Commissioners to appoint the members of the Salary Study Commission before
September 30, 1992, and before September 30 every 4th year thereafter; and
WHEREAS, Article 24, § 12-104 of the Code requires the Salary Study
Commission to meet before January 1, 1993, and before January 1 every 4th year
thereafter; and
WHEREAS, Article 24, § 12-105(b) of the Code requires the Salary Study
Commission to make recommendations regarding salaries of the offices listed in
Article 24, § 12-105(a) to the Board of County Commissioners before January 30,
1993, and before January 30 every 4th year thereafter; and
WHEREAS, Article 24, § 12-106(a) of the Code requires the Board of County
Commissioners to set by local law the salary for each office included in the
recommendations of the Salary Study Commission within 45 days after receiving the
recommendations of the Commission; and
WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners did not solicit
recommendations for members of the Allegany County Salary Study Commission or
appoint the members of the Allegany County Salary Study Commission in 2004 in
accordance with Article 24, § 12-103 but appointed the members of the Salary Study
Commission on or before September 30, 2005; and
WHEREAS, The Allegany County Salary Study Commission did not meet before
January 1, 2005, but did meet before January 1, 2006; and
WHEREAS, The Salary Study Commission did not make recommendations
regarding salaries of the offices listed in Article 24, § 12-105(a) to the Board of
County Commissioners before January 30, 2005, but did make recommendations to
the Board of County Commissioners on or before January 1, 2006; now, therefore,
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 24 - Political Subdivisions - Miscellaneous Provisions
(a) The Commission shall study the salaries of:
(1) The Allegany County Board of County Commissioners;
(2) The Allegany County Board of Education;
(3) The Allegany County Board of License Commissioners;
(4) The Allegany County Board of Supervisors of Elections;
(5) The Judges of the Orphans' Court in Allegany County; and
(6) The Sheriff of Allegany County.
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