Volume 748, Page 647 View pdf image |
647) Common law on account of the bonds and bills passed for the paym.t of Fifty Thousand pounds of Toba untill the sd Robert Smith shall upon his owne pp Cost and Charges make over to the sd Forbes his heires and Assignes a good Tytle to the said Five hundred acres of land in the bill memoved w.th the whole Stock of Cattle horses sheepe hoggs and such other things as are sett forth in the sd bill Extended to the number and quantity of Twenty eight head of Cattle Twenty two head of hoggs sheepe one horse one mare and Nine and Nine hoggs and that the sd Forbes shall pay only prate for the said Sume of Fifty Thousand pounds of Toba To what pporcon and quantity of the sd five hundred acres of land Stock of Cattle horses sheepe hoggs and other things sett forth in the bill as shall be made over as afd And likewise be found to be Clear and free from all incumbrances and accordingly Conveyed & delivered to him and for no more As alsoe that he be allowed the Sume of Sixteene hundred Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven pounds of Toba that he has pd already in p.t of payment of the said Five Hundred acres of Land and Stock of Creatures &c and for w.t more he shall make appear hereafter by receipts to have paid according to the aforesd State of the account reported to this Court by the Hono.ble Thomas Tench & John Hammond Esqrs Together alsoe with the Said Complts Cost of Suite both at Comon law and Equity Amounting to the Sume of Eleaven Thousand Seaven hundred and Eight pounds of Toba by the Court here Taxed and allowed of &c Depositions for Doct.r Mordicay Moore ag.st Matthew Beard By Virtue of a Comition from her Matie's high Court of Chancery bearing date y.e fourth day of Octob.r 1706 Directed to us the Subscribers To Examine and take such Evidence as shall be pply proposed by D.r Mordicay Moore touching a pretended Will of Richard Beards of Ann Ard.ll County Wee the said Com.rs Appointed by the said Comission have in pursuance thereto Exated such Evidence as was to Us Nominated which are as p the Depons hereunto annexed Given und.r our hands this 25.th day of June 1709 Sam.ll Young Tho Larkin |
Volume 748, Page 647 View pdf image |
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