Volume 748, Page 485 View pdf image |
485 the first Cause did answer that they Run a streight East North East Cause neither traversing nor crossing any Swamp butt Run on day from Ground a lithe ascending to the Second Tree being a White Oak and then Carrying us up the River about a hundred yards to the North Ward to another Tree that is Notched on four sides w.ch had been shewn him by M.r Nutly Rozer and William Clark son and did there positively declare as he was upon his oath that that was none of the Tree but the White Oake that stands by the Swamp Side was the Tree he caused to be bounded for the beginning Tree of the Said Land Called Admireathwiaeke being confirmed thereto by by the knowledge he had of the adjacent Land and Swamp So that if that was not the very Tree he was positive it did stand within Twenty or Twenty five Paces of that Tree neither to the Northward Eastward or Southward but if any Way to the West Ward nearer the River att which he Declared upon oath and further Saith not John Middison John Middleton George Atkey Aged sixty years or thereabouts being sworn before Us upon the Holy Evangelists saith that Coll.o Jn.o Addison having obtained a Comission from the High Court of Chancery directed to M.r William Hutchison and M.r William Tannehill to take the oath of Cap.t George Thompson of S.t Marys County touching the bounds of two Tracts of Land the one belonging to M.r Notly Rozer called Admireathorea and the other to Coll.o Jn.o Addison called S.t Elizabeths both the afores.d Tracts of Land beginning at one Tree in Complyance to w.ch Commission the Two above named Comm.rs caused the L.d Thompson to come before them upon the Land the Twenty Seaventh Day of May 1696 When Cap.t Thompson being desireous to go to the Land by Water because they went by Water when they first took up the Land Called Admireathorea they came to my house at Broad Creek and there took Boat & as we were rowing up Potomack River by the said Land Called Admireathorea Cap.t Thompson caused us to put a Shore by the North Side of an Achen Swamp w.ch Swamp is the fourth Swamp above a high point of Land now known to Us by the Name of the Holloway Pointe and thereby the side of the said Swamp near an Indian Field we found a bounded White Oake which Tree Cap.t Thompson did declare upon his oath he really in his Conscience believed & adjudgd to be the first bound Tree of the said two Tracts of Land above Exprest and did on his oath positively deklare & affirm that if that was not the very Tree he was confident it did stand within Twenty or Twenty five Paces of that bounded White Oak and if any Way from that tree it was nearer the River all which he solemnly declared upon oath at the Tree where I was p.rsent with him and others and further saith not The Mark of George G A Athey |
Volume 748, Page 485 View pdf image |
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