Volume 748, Page 320 View pdf image |
320) At a Court of Chancery held at y.e port of Annapolis March y.e seventh in y.e Eighth year of His Maj.ties Reigne Annoque Dom 1695/6 Present Coll Nic Greenbury Keeper especially appointed pro hâc vice (instead of Coll Hen Jowles who being sick could not attend his office) as by y.e Comission here recorded doth appear Kenelm Chesyldyn & Maj.r Edw.d Dorsey Justices John Freeman Regist.r William y.e third by y.e grace of God of England Scotland France Comission & Ireland King Defend.r of y.e faith &c To Coll Nicholas Greenbury to Coll Nich Kenelm Cheseldyne & Maj.r Edw.d Dorsey Esq.rs Greeting Whereas Greenbury by a late Comission granted by Us & our Royall Consort Queen &c to sit as Mary lately decd dated y.e 14.th day of May last Coll Henry Judges in Jowles Esq.r was Instituted Chief Judge in Chancery & Keeper of Chanc.ry our great seal of maryland & Kenelm Cheseldyne & Maj.r Edward Dorsey Esq.rs joynt Comission.rs & assistant Judges in our high Court of Chancery for y.e s.d province And whereas y.e s.d Coll Hen.r Jowles Esq.r being at present afflicted with y.e Gout & other Indispositions of body is therefore unable to attend y.e s.d Court of Chancery And y.e Causes in our s.d Court require a dispatch & cannot without publick prejudice be delayed Know y.e y.t We have therefore assigned you y.e s.d Coll Nich.o Greenbury Kenelm Cheseldyn & Maj.r Edw.d Dorsey Esq.rs Comission.rs & Judges of our high Court of Chancery in our s.d province of Maryland untill such time as y.e above said Coll Hen.r Jowles (together with y.e assistant Judges joynt in y.e s.d Comission with him) shall be able to attend his said office to keep & cause to be kept all Ordinances Rules & Orders w.ch of right ought to be kept in y.e s.d Court for y.e quiet Rule & Governm.t of our people within this our said province according to equity & good Conscience w.ch usually hath or according to y.e Rules & customes of our s.d Court may be fit to be done We have also assigned you y.e s.d Coll Nich Greenbury Kenelm Cheseldyne & Maj.r Edw.d Dorsey or y.e Major part of you (whereof you y.e s.d Coll Nich Greenbury are allwaies to be one) Comission.rs & Judges joyntly in our s.d Court Willing & by these presents constituting you y.e s.d Coll Nich Greenbury Kenelm Cheseldyne & Maj.r Edw.d Dorsey Esq.rs or y.e Maj.r part of you as afd to hear & determine all manner of Complaint by bill or Judiciall Complaint exhibited to this our Court & Answer thereto as of right you ought And such decrees & orders to make therein as to you shall seem agreeable to Equity & good Conscience having regard y.t equall Right be done to y.e people within our s.d Province And We comand you and every of you y.t you dilligently attend y.e keeping of our s.d Court & y.t you make such orders & grant such process as by the Rules of y.e s.d Court ought to be made |
Volume 748, Page 320 View pdf image |
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