Volume 748, Page 265 View pdf image |
(265) Ordered and Decreed as aforesaid or any part thereof Nor hath hee yet payd the same or any part thereof Nor would the said Comp.lt seale or Execute the said Letter of Attorney for the Delivery of y.e posession of the premisses to the said Deft according to the said Decree as by the Affidavit of the said James Crauford and George Curwen may more at Large appeare But the said Comp.lt is still a prisoner for Nonpayment of the Same Costs and is in Contempt for breach of the said Decree as aforesaid And for as much as the dwelling house where the Comp.lt lately Lived being the Land in Question Morgaged and Leased as aforesaid Doth very much runn to ruine & decay in soe much that if Speedy Course be not taken to repaire the same it will fall Downe and that seaverall other things for want of a Fence to the said Orchard and that all the Tobacco houses and outhouses together with all the Fences belonging to the plantacon at Hunting Creeke are fallen downe and run to ruine & Decay And that all the Cowes Calves and hoggs of the Said Comp.lts runn wild in the woods and are Lost and destroyed for want of Looking after to the greate Damage of him or them to whome the said plantation doth belong as by a Certificate und.r the hands of seaverall of Seaverall of the Neighbours now produced doth appeare Itt was therefore prayed that a Comission may issue to the Sheriffe of Calvert County forthwith to putt and keepe the said George Parker in the Quiet and peaceable posession of the said plantation houses lands with the appurtenances of him the said Joseph Tilly at Hunting Creeke afores.d Morgaged and Leased to the said Deft And that the said George Parker his heires Executors and Adm.rs may Quietly and peaceably hold & Enjoy the said Morgaged or Leased premisses or soe much thereof as is not before Ordered and Awarded against the said Joseph Tilly and his heires or Assignes Cleered also discharged and barred of all Equity of Redemption according to the said Decree W.ch this Court held reasonable and doth Order the same accordingly Att a Court of Chancery held att the Citty of St Maries the 26.th day of June Anno Domini 1683 Present Vincent Lowe Esq.r The Hon.ble Henry Darnall Esq.r William Digges Esq.r Justices William Burges Esq.r Thomas Trueman Esq.r M Cocks Reg.r |
Volume 748, Page 265 View pdf image |
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